The weather is something everyone has learned to live with and adjust to. It affects different aspects of your life, such as your plans, clothing, and even your daily commute.

Weather changes can affect how you get to work because of how it affects the condition of roads and highways. Different weather events can have varying effects on the roads here in the Philippines.


road damage due to heavy rain

Rain can cause roads to become slippery, which can lead to traffic accidents. This is why motorists are always advised to drive slowly when there is heavy rain.

Aside from less traction, rain can also affect drivers’ visibility. Especially during heavy rains, it can be harder to see the road, other drivers, and pedestrians, which can also lead to potential accidents.

Additionally, rain can aggravate the cracks and signs of road deterioration that are already present on the pavement. This happens because rainwater seeps into the cracks and causes further damage to the inner layers of the road. Over time, the pavement will weaken and start developing more cracks. If not addressed properly, this road damage due to heavy rain can cause bigger problems and might lead to costlier repairs.

Rain can also significantly impact the effectiveness of road paint, especially during heavy rainfall. One of the main issues is that road markings can lose their brightness and reflectivity when wet. This problem is more pronounced at night, as rain scatters light, making reflective markings harder for drivers to see. Reduced visibility increases the risk of accidents, particularly on busy or poorly lit roads. 

Rain can also affect the durability of newly applied thermoplastic road marking paint. So, how does this weather affect road paint?

If it rains before the paint has fully dried, the water can dilute the paint, weakening its adhesion to the road surface and causing uneven application. This not only shortens the lifespan of the markings but also leads to more frequent repainting, increasing maintenance costs and disrupting traffic flow.


road deterioration due to heat

Another weather event that can cause road deterioration is extreme heat. High temperatures can cause the asphalt to soften, which can lead to rutting and buckling on the roads. When left unaddressed, this problem can spread and even cause further damage to other parts of the road.

This is an especially prevalent problem here in the Philippines. The country experiences a high amount of sunshine and heat, which can easily cause the roads to weaken.

Extreme heat does not only affect the road itself. It also affects the integrity of road paint, compromising its visibility and durability. High temperatures can soften road markings, causing the paint to spread and smudge. This not only distorts the markings but also reduces their precision, making them less effective as guides for drivers and pedestrians.

Additionally, prolonged exposure to heat can break down the pigments in road paint, leading to fading and a loss of reflectivity. Faded markings become difficult to see, especially under low-light conditions, which can increase the risk of accidents.

Heat-related damage also accelerates the wear and tear of road paint, requiring more frequent repainting to maintain clear and visible markings. This adds to maintenance costs and can cause periodic disruptions to traffic during repainting efforts. To counteract these problems, infrastructure projects must be consistently maintained, monitored, and improved to ensure the longevity of our roads.


how weather affects roads

Although fog does not directly affect the condition of roads, it can affect drivers’ visibility. In places where thick fog often develops, motorists might have a hard time seeing other vehicles and road hazards, which can lead to accidents.

To help keep everyone safe, drivers are advised to use low beams for their headlights or turn their fog lights on when driving through a foggy area. Using bright lights in this weather condition may limit drivers’ visibility even more because it will reflect off the water fragments in the mist.

Fog can also significantly reduce the effectiveness of road paint by impairing visibility, creating hazardous conditions for drivers and pedestrians. The dense moisture in the air scatters light, making it difficult to see road markings, especially those made with standard paint. Reflective road paints, which are designed to enhance visibility in low-light conditions, may also lose their efficiency in thick fog as the moisture diminishes their ability to reflect light effectively. 

Additionally, fog often leaves a thin film of moisture on the road surface, which can dull the appearance of road markings further. This reduced visibility is especially dangerous near sharp turns, intersections, or pedestrian crossings, where clear guidance is crucial. Enhancing markings with highly reflective or anti-fog road paint can improve safety during foggy conditions.


road deterioration due to floods

Another way how weather affects roads is through floods, which can happen during heavy rain. Flooding can make it hard for motorists to pass through and even damage their vehicles.

Additionally, floods can deteriorate the road’s layers, causing it to develop different types of road cracks over time. If an area is frequently flooded, its pavement may need to be reinforced to keep it from being further damaged.

Now, let’s discuss how this weather affects road paint. Floods can significantly diminish the effectiveness of road paint, especially in areas prone to prolonged water exposure. When roads are submerged, the continuous contact with water can weaken the adhesion of road markings to the surface. Over time, this can cause the paint to peel, flake, or wash away entirely, reducing the visibility of essential markings like lane dividers and pedestrian crossings. 

Moreover, the sediment and debris carried by floodwaters can obscure road markings, making them difficult to see even after the water recedes. Reflective road paints, designed to enhance nighttime visibility, can also lose their effectiveness if coated with dirt or if reflective elements are washed away.

Keep Pavements Intact and Safe to Drive On

There are many ways in how weather affects roads, but it is safe to say that it always causes road deterioration. To ensure motorists and pedestrians are always safe on the road, you should invest in high-quality materials for your road construction projects.

Buy bitumen from a trusted company like Rua Seguridad, and you can be sure about the quality of the products you will receive. Reach out to us for more information regarding what we offer.